
Our blog, whitepaper and tools provide food for thought, insight and useful technical information to help with your cyber resilience.

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Cyber Snax Blog

White Papers


For many enterprises, deploying complex cyber reslience solutions is a significant challenge that quickly becomes unmanageable. Bright Cyber recommends that enterprises use the following guidelines.

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EU Phishing Security Test

Did you know that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear phishing attack?

Find out what percentage of your employees are Phish-prone™ with your free phishing security test. Plus, see how you stack up against your peers with the new phishing Industry Benchmarks!

Password Test

A whopping 25% of employees are using the same password for all logins

Check to see if your users are currently using passwords that are in publicly available breaches associated with your domain. KnowBe4’s new BPT checks against your Active Directory and reports compromised passwords in use right now so that you can take action immediately!

Training Preview

World’s largest library of security awareness training content is now just a click away!

KnowBe4’s game-changing partnerships with The Security Awareness Company, Popcorn Training, exploqii, Canada Privacy Training, Twist & Shout, TeachPrivacy, Syntrio, El Pescador, and Saya University allows you to significantly better manage the ongoing problem of social engineering.